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Night Reports 2007

December 2007

Observing: 235.8 hours
Weather Loss: 99.9 hours
Technical Loss: 1.3 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric.
30 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric.
29 Dec10.60.00.3Photometric. Az node reboot.
28 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric
27 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric.
26 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric.
25 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric.
24 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric.
23 Dec0.010.90.0High Humidity
22 Dec0.010.90.0Freezing Fog
21 Dec0.010.90.0Freezing Fog
20 Dec9.11.80.0High humidity at times
19 Dec010.90.0Snow and Ice
18 Dec010.90.0Freezing Fog
17 Dec5.15.80.0Non-photometric; high winds and humidity.
16 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric.
15 Dec7.93.00.0Non-photometric; high humidity in middle of night.
14 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric.
13 Dec10.60.00.3Non-photometric; alt node reboot.
12 Dec1.39.60.0Cloud, high humidity.
11 Dec010.90.0thick cloud
10 Dec010.90.0thick cloud
9 Dec10.800.0Non-photometric.
8 Dec10.70.00.1Photometric but poor seeing; AMN node reboot.
7 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric.
6 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric. Very windy.
5 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric.
4 Dec10.50.00.3Photometric. Cassegrain node reboot.
3 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric.
2 Dec10.50.00.3Non-photometric. Cassegrain node reboot
1 Dec7.43.40.0High humidity. Non-photometric.


November 2007

Observing: 117.8 hours
Weather Loss: 172.5 hours
Technical Loss: 4.9 hours

DateHours UsedComment
30 Nov1.98.90.0High humidity, rain. Non-photometric.
29 Nov010.80.0High humidity
28 Nov010.70.0High humidity
27 Nov7.43.30.0High humidity during middle of night. Non-photometric.
26 Nov7.82.90.0High humidity at start of night.
25 Nov0.010.70.0Humidity, wind & rain.
24 Nov0.010.70.0Humidity, wind & rain.
23 Nov0.010.60.0Humidity, wind & rain.
22 Nov0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance; humidity, wind & rain preventing on-sky testing.
21 Nov0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance.
20 Nov0.010.60.0High humidity, wind & rain.
19 Nov0.010.60.0High humidity, wind & rain.
18 Nov0.010.60.0High humidity, wind & rain.
17 Nov2.58.10.0Non-photometric, high humidity, high winds, rain.
16 Nov5.84.80.0Non-photometric, high humidity.
15 Nov10.60.00.0Non-photometric, a few clouds visible at sunset
14 Nov10.50.00.0Non-photometric, a few clouds visible at sunset
13 Nov10.50.00.0Non-photometric, a few clouds visible at sunset
12 Nov10.20.00.3Cass node reboot.
11 Nov0.010.50.0Overcast.
10 Nov0.010.50.0Overcast & calima.
9 Nov0.010.50.0Overcast & calima.
8 Nov0.010.40.0Overcast.
7 Nov0.010.40.0Cloud/high humidity.
6 Nov8.91.50.0Non-photometric. Cloud/high humidity at start of night.
5 Nov7.10.03.3Non-photometric. Alt node reboot & RCS issue.
4 Nov9.80.60.0Non-photometric. High humidity at start of night.
3 Nov5.54.80.0Photometric. High humidity at start of night.
2 Nov10.00.00.3Photometric. Azimuth node reboot.
1 Nov9.30.01.0Cass rotator problems probably caused by pipes snagging.


October 2007

Observing: 190.8 hours
Weather Loss: 106.2 hours
Technical Loss: 12.2 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 Oct10.30.00.0Photometric
30 Oct010.30.0High humidity
29 Oct8.71.50.0Non-photometric. Poor seeing. High humidity at times.
28 Oct7.13.10.0Non-photometric; high humidity at start of night.
27 Oct0.010.20.0High humidity/rain
26 Oct3.36.90.0Non-photometric; high humidity/rain
25 Oct10.10.00.0Non-photometric.
24 Oct10.10.00.0Non-photometric.
23 Oct10.10.00.0Non-photometric.
22 Oct10.10.00.0Photometric but poor seeing.
21 Oct10.00.00.0Very poor seeing
20 Oct10.00.00.0Photometric
19 Oct10.00.00.0Non-photometric.
18 Oct8.00.02.0Photometric. Spectroscopic acquistion testing at end of night caused RCS problems.
17 Oct0.04.95.0High humidity. Node 36 error.
16 Oct2.46.50.0High humidity
15 Oct9.90.00.0Photometric?
14 Oct8.40.01.5Photometric. Cass node reboot. Focus problems.
13 Oct9.80.00.0Photometric.
12 Oct0.09.80.0High humidity.
11 Oct0.09.80.0Rain.
10 Oct7.82.00.0Photometric. High humidity at and of night.
9 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric.
8 Oct6.00.03.7Photometric. Autoguider & azimuth axis problems.
7 Oct0.09.70.0Thick Cloud
6 Oct9.70.00.0Non-photometric
5 Oct0.09.60.0High humidity
4 Oct0.09.60.0Thick Cloud
3 Oct9.60.00.0Photometric
2 Oct6.72.80.0High Humidity. Photometric otherwise.
1 Oct0.09.50.0High Humidity


September 2007

Observing: 135.7 hours
Weather Loss: 30.1 hours
Technical Loss: 0.3 hours

DateHours UsedComment
30 Sep9.50.00.0Photometric
29 Sep9.50.00.0Photometric
28 Sep9.40.00.0&Photometric
27 Sep9.40.00.0Photometric
26 Sep7.02.40.0Non-photometric. High humidity.
25 Sep9.30.00.0Non-photometric.
24 Sep9.30.00.0Non-photometric.
23 Sep0.09.30.0Thick cloud
22 Sep0.09.20.0Thick cloud
21 Sep0.09.20.0Thick cloud
20 Sep9.20.00.0Photometric?
19 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric
18 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric
17 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric
16 Sep9.10.00.0Non-photometric
15 Sep9.00.00.0Non-photometric
14 Sep8.70.00.3Non-photometric. Unresponsive node; autorecovered.
13 Sep9.00.00.0Photometric
12 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
11 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
10 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
9 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
8 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
7 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
6 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
5 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
4 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
3 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
2 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance
1 Sep0.00.00.0Scheduled maintenance


August 2007

Observing: 224.3 hours
Weather Loss: 20.5 hours
Technical Loss: 4.7 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 Aug8.50.00.0Non-photometric. Last night of observing before scheduled maintenance.
30 Aug8.30.00.2Non-photometric. Azimuth node dropout; autorecovered.
29 Aug8.50.00.0Non-photometric.
28 Aug4.60.03.8Non-photometric. Cassegrain rotator fault.
27 Aug8.40.00.0Photometric
26 Aug8.40.00.0Photometric
25 Aug8.30.00.0Photometric
24 Aug8.30.00.0Photometric
23 Aug8.30.00.0Photometric
22 Aug8.00.00.2TCS unresponsive, autorecovered. Non-photometric (calima?)
21 Aug8.20.00.0Photometric
20 Aug8.20.00.0Photometric
19 Aug8.10.00.0Photometric
18 Aug8.10.00.0Photometric but very poor seeing
17 Aug8.10.00.0Photometric
16 Aug8.00.00.0Photometric
15 Aug8.00.00.0Light calima, otherwise photometric
14 Aug8.00.00.0Photometric
13 Aug7.50.00.5Photometric. Cass node dropout
12 Aug7.90.00.0Non-photometric
11 Aug0.07.90.0Calima & high winds.
10 Aug2.05.90.0Photometric, high winds
9 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric
8 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric
7 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric
6 Aug3.44.30.0High wind, humidity
5 Aug7.70.00.0Photometric
4 Aug7.70.00.0Non-photometric (calima)
3 Aug5.22.40.0High Wind.
2 Aug7.60.00.0Non-photometric
1 Aug7.60.00.0Non-photometric


July 2007

Observing: 126.8 hours
Weather Loss: 72.7 hours
Technical Loss: 23.4 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 Jul7.50.00.0Non-photometric
30 Jul7.50.00.0Non-photometric
29 Jul0.07.50.0Heavy Calima (dust)
28 Jul0.07.50.0Heavy Calima (dust)
27 Jul0.07.50.0Heavy Calima (dust)
26 Jul0.00.07.4PLC Main Incomer Fault.
25 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric.
24 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric.
23 Jul0.00.07.3Oil Chiller fault
22 Jul7.30.00.0Non-photometric?
21 Jul6.90.00.4Cass Node Reboot. Non-photometric.
20 Jul0.07.30.0Heavy Calima (dust)
19 Jul0.07.20.0Heavy Calima (dust)
18 Jul0.07.20.0Heavy Calima (dust)
17 Jul0.07.20.0Heavy Calima (dust)
16 Jul0.07.20.0Heavy Calima (dust)
15 Jul0.07.10.0Heavy Calima (dust)
14 Jul6.10.01.0AMN, TCC reboots.
13 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric.
12 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric?
11 Jul6.80.00.3TCS reboot.
10 Jul0.07.00.0Heavy Calima (dust)
9 Jul0.00.07.0Devicenet Node 36 Error.
8 Jul7.00.00.0Poor seeing.
7 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric.
6 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric.
5 Jul7.00.00.0Poor seeing at start of night.
4 Jul7.00.00.0Poor seeing.
3 Jul6.90.00.0Photometric.
2 Jul6.90.00.0Photometric.
1 Jul6.90.00.0Photometric.


June 2007

Observing: 125.2 hours
Weather Loss: 29.7 hours
Technical Loss: 53.1 hours

DateHours UsedComment
30 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
29 Jun6.60.00.3Photometric. TCS failure, autorecovered.
28 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
27 Jun0.00.06.9GPS timesever failed - taken down to sea level for repair.
26 Jun0.00.06.9IT rack offline.
25 Jun5.70.01.2Science fold problems. Photometric.
24 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
23 Jun6.90.00.0Poor seeing, otherwise ok.
22 Jun0.06.90.0Humidity / high winds
21 Jun6.60.00.3TCS failure. Autorecovered.
20 Jun6.90.00.0
19 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
18 Jun0.30.06.6Science Fold Rotation Fault
17 Jun0.00.06.9Enclosure UPS fault
16 Jun0.00.06.9Enclosure UPS fault following mountainwide power problems.
15 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
14 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
13 Jun6.70.00.2Photometric. TCS reboot.
12 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
11 Jun1.00.95.0Photometric. TCS failure. High humidity at end of night.
10 Jun4.20.02.7Mains power failure.
9 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric.
8 Jun3.80.92.2TCS node fault autorecovered. Problems focussing. Humidity spike.
7 Jun0.07.00.0Cloud, Humidity.
6 Jun0.07.00.0Humidity, rain.
5 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric
4 Jun0.00.07.0Focus problem (science fold?)
3 Jun0.07.00.0Thick cirrus & high winds.
2 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric.
1 Jun7.00.00.0Photometric.


May 2007

Observing: 125.7 hours
Weather Loss: 49.5 hours
Technical Loss: 54.9 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 May6.80.00.3Photometric. Alt node comms fault. Autorecovered.
30 May7.10.00.0Photometric.
29 May6.80.00.3Photometric. Alt node comms fault. Autorecovered.
28 May3.30.03.8Photometric. AMN node communication fault. Autorecovered.
27 May5.90.01.2Non-photometric. Science fold problem.
26 May4.23.00.0High humidity at start of night.
25 May0.07.20.0High humidity, rain.
24 May0.41.05.8High humidity at start of night. Pneumatic fault.
23 May0.07.20.0Freezing Fog.
22 May0.07.30.0Freezing Fog.
21 May0.07.30.0Freezing Fog.
20 May0.07.30.0High humidity all night
19 May7.30.00.0Photometric.
18 May0.00.07.4Enclosure UPS Fault following mountainwide power supply problems
17 May7.40.00.0Non-photometric. RATCam and SupIRCam.
16 May7.40.00.0Non-photometric. RATCam only.
15 May7.40.00.0Photometric. RATCam only.
14 May6.30.01.2Further science fold work. Non-photometric. RATCam only.
13 May6.50.01.0Devicenet Error. Non-photometric. RATCam only.
12 May6.50.01.0Fold Mirror motor replaced. Non-photometric. RATCam only.
11 May0.00.07.6Science Fold mirror motor failure.
10 May0.00.07.6Science Fold mirror motor failure.
9 May0.00.07.6Science Fold mirror motor failure.
8 May0.07.60.0Thick cloud
7 May5.40.02.3Non-photometric. Science fold mirror failure
6 May7.70.00.0Photometric.
5 May7.70.00.0Non-photometric.
4 May7.80.00.0Photometric.
3 May0.00.07.8Enclosure fault.
2 May7.80.00.0Pointing tests.
1 May6.01.60.3High humidity at start of night. 2 x TCS reboots.


April 2007

Observing: 187.2 hours
Weather Loss: 56.6 hours
Technical Loss: 7.3 hours

DateHours UsedComment
30 Apr7.90.00.0Photometric.
29 Apr7.90.00.0Photometric.
28 Apr6.60.01.4Photometric. RCS fault.
27 Apr4.90.03.1Photometric. Node reboot, autoguider mirror deployment fault.
26 Apr8.00.00.0Non-photometric. SupIRCam offline due to control computer lockup.
25 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric.
24 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric.
23 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric.
22 Apr8.20.00.0Photometric.
21 Apr8.20.00.0Photometric.
20 Apr8.20.00.0Non-photometric.
19 Apr8.30.00.0Non-photometric.
18 Apr0.08.30.0Cloud.
17 Apr6.00.02.3Non-photometric, Focus problems following TCS reboot.
16 Apr0.08.40.0High humidity.
15 Apr6.02.40.0Non-photometric, high humidity at end of night (again!)
14 Apr5.92.50.0Non-photometric, high humidity at end of night.
13 Apr8.50.00.0Non-photometric.
12 Apr8.50.00.0Non-photometric.
11 Apr8.50.00.0Non-photometric.
10 Apr0.08.60.0Humidity, Ice.
9 Apr0.08.60.0Humidity, Ice.
8 Apr0.08.60.0Humidity, Ice.
7 Apr0.08.70.0Cloud, humidity, rain.
6 Apr8.20.50.0Non-photometric. Humidity spike.
5 Apr8.30.00.5Process OMC unresponsive, autorecovered.
4 Apr8.80.00.0Photometric.
3 Apr8.80.00.0Non-photometric. 5 Hours commissioning and testing; 3.8 hours science observations
2 Apr8.80.00.03h SupIRCam testing at start of night. Then non-photometric
'til dawn.
1 Apr8.90.00.0Non-photometric


March 2007

Observing: 71.6 hours
Weather Loss: 147.1 hours
Technical Loss: 64.0 hours
Scheduled Maintenance: 0.0 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 Mar8.90.00.0Photometric
30 Mar8.90.00.0Non-photometric
29 Mar9.00.00.0Photometric
28 Mar5.02.21.8High humidity at start of night. Alt axis & oil chiller faults at end of night.
27 Mar0.09.00.0Snow/Ice
26 Mar0.09.00.0Snow/Ice
25 Mar0.09.10.0Snow/Ice
24 Mar0.09.10.0Snow/Ice
23 Mar0.09.10.0Snow/Ice
22 Mar0.09.20.0Snow/Ice
21 Mar0.09.20.0Snow/Ice
20 Mar0.09.20.0Snow/Ice
19 Mar0.09.30.0Snow/Ice
18 Mar0.09.30.0Snow/Ice
17 Mar0.09.30.0Snow/Ice
16 Mar0.09.40.0Snow/Ice
15 Mar0.09.40.0Snow/Ice
14 Mar0.09.40.0Snow/Ice
13 Mar0.09.40.0Snow/Ice
12 Mar3.06.50.0Cassegrain fixed. High humidity/Ice for most of night!
11 Mar0.00.09.5Engineer on site. Testing of new card underway.
10 Mar0.00.09.5Engineer on site.
9 Mar0.00.09.6Cassegrain rotator problem. Traced to amplifier card. New card procured. Engineer flying to site today.
8 Mar0.00.09.6Cassegrain rotator problem.
7 Mar0.00.09.6Cassegrain rotator problem.
6 Mar0.00.09.7Cassegrain rotator problem.
5 Mar0.00.04.75 hours scheduled maintenance/SupIRCam fitting at start of night. Cassegrain rotator problem for rest of night.
4 Mar7.50.00.0Non-photometric. SupIRCam fitting at start of night.
3 Mar9.70.00.0Photometric. Some spectrograph commissioning.
2 Mar9.80.00.0Photometric. Some spectrograph commissioning.
1 Mar9.80.00.0Spectrograph commissioning until midnight. Photometric.


February 2007

Observing: 195.2 hours
Weather Loss: 77.7 hours
Technical Loss: 8.5 hours
Scheduled Maintenance: 2.6 hours

DateHours UsedComment
28 February7.20.00.0Photometric. Spectrograph fitting at start of night.
27 February9.80.00.0Photometric
26 February9.90.00.0Photometric
25 February2.60.07.3Incoming mains power fluctuations. Photometric.
24 February9.90.00.0Photometric.
23 February10.00.00.0Photometric.
22 February10.00.00.0Photometric.
21 February10.00.00.0Photometric.
20 February5.54.50.0Photometric, high winds
19 February1.88.20.0Non-photometric, high humidty, high winds
18 February10.00.00.0Non-photometric
17 February10.10.00.0Non-photometric
16 February10.10.00.0Non-photometric
15 February1.19.00.0Very poor seeing, high winds
14 February9.70.00.4Non-photometric. Cas axis unresponsive, autorecovered ok.
13 February8.71.50.0Very poor seeing at start of night, then non-photometric
12 February10.20.00.0Non-photometric.
11 February9.90.00.3Alt axis unresponisve, autorecovered ok. Non-photometric.
10 February10.30.00.0Photometric
9 February9.80.00.5 Alt axis unresponsive, autorecovered ok. Photometric
8 February10.30.00.0Photometric
7 February10.40.00.0Non-photometric
6 February7.92.50.0High winds, non-photometric
5 February0.010.40.0Rain & Thick Cloud
4 February0.010.40.0Thick Cloud
3 February0.010.40.0Ice
2 February0.010.40.0Ice
1 February0.010.40.0Ice


January 2007

Observing: 189.3 hours
Weather Loss: 131.1 hours
Technical Loss: 27.1 hours

DateHours UsedComment
31 January0.010.50.0Ice
30 January0.010.50.0Ice
29 January0.010.50.0Ice
28 January0.010.60.0Snow & Ice
27 January0.010.60.0Freezing Fog
26 January0.010.60.0Freezing Fog
25 January0.010.60.0Cloud, High humidity
24 January1.69.00.0Non-photometric, then cloud and rain.
23 January10.60.00.0Non-photometric (includes 5.8 hours of on-sky testing).
22 January9.90.00.7Non-photometric. Science fold error + azimuth node dropout & autorecovery.
21 January9.80.00.8Photometric, poor seeing. 0.8h maintenance work at sunset.
20 January10.00.00.7Photometric but very poor seeing. Heartbeats lost, autorecovered ok.
19 January10.30.00.4Non-photometric. Azm node lost, autorecovered.
18 January0.010.70.0Thick Cloud.
17 January9.80.00.9Non-photometric. Alt encoder errors.
16 January10.70.00.0Non-photometric
15 January0.00.010.7Enclosure Fault.
14 January10.40.00.3Photometric. Cass unresponsive, autorecovered ok.
13 January10.70.00.0Non-photometric.
12 January0.010.80.0Thick cloud, high winds
11 January0.010.80.0Ridge cloud, high winds, humidity
10 January8.70.02.2Photometric. Chiller fault.
9 January10.50.00.4Cass unresponsive, autorecovered ok. Non photometric
8 January7.93.00.0Thick cloud at times. Non photometric
7 January8.52.40.0Thick cloud at start of night, then non-photometric
6 January10.90.00.0Non-photometric
5 January10.90.00.0Non-photometric
4 January10.90.00.0Non-photometric (includes 4.6 hours of on-sky testing).
3 January10.90.00.0Non-photometric (includes 4.4 hours of on-sky testing).
2 January0.00.010.9On-mount power circuit breaker tripped during startup.
1 January10.90.00.0Photometric.